About Us
About Us
Shinbiosis Corporation
- Company Name
- Shinbiosis Corporation
- Head Office Address
- 401 Est Nouveau, 2-1-40, Katamachi, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 534-0025, Japan
- Laboratory Plant
- Room 103, Kobe Health Industry Center, 6-7-4 Minatojima-Minamimachi, Chuo-ku,
Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan - Date of Establishment
- Dec. 4, 2017
- Representative Director
- Mikiko Tanaka
- capital stock
- 20 million yen
Affiliated Companies and Organizations
Intestinal Flora Transplant Clinical Research Foundation
- Corporate Name
- The Association for Clinical Research of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Japan
- address (e.g. of house)
- 401 Est Nouveau, 2-1-40, Katamachi, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 534-0025, Japan
- Date of Establishment
- Nov. 19, 2017
- officer
- Representative Director: Yoshiyoshi Tanaka
and 1 other Executive Director 4 Directors 3 Councilors
1 Auditor 1 Academic Advisor
1 Chief Advisor 2 Technical Advisors
Intestinal Flora Transplant Clinical Research, Inc.
- Company Name
- Clinical Research of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Japan Corporation
- address (e.g. of house)
- 401 Est Nouveau, 2-1-40, Katamachi, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 534-0025, Japan
- Date of Establishment
- Oct. 20, 2017
- Representative Director
- Mikiko Tanaka
- Relationship with
Shinbiosis Corporation - The Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Group, a general incorporated
foundation, is led by clinicians and is working to establish a new treatment called
"Fecal Microflora Transplantation (FMT)".
Our company is responsible for the research and development of NanoGAS® water
as a transplantation solution and solvent for fecal microflora transplantation (FMT),
and provides the solution to medical institutions belonging to the research group.
Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research, Inc. serves as the secretariat of the
research group.
Nov. 2023
Nov. 2023
Selected for a grant from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), a national research and development corporation
Sep. 2023
The 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Research on Intestinal Flora Transplantation held.
Ap. 2023
Clinical research begins on autism spectrum disorder.
Oct. 2022
Morishita R, Itoh S, Takeda-Morishita M. Evaluation of Bactericidal Effects of H2- and 03-filled
Ultrafine Bubbles Water. Biocontrol Sci. 2022;27(3):139-142. -
Sep. 2022
The 6th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Research on Intestinal Flora
Transplantation held. -
Aug. 2022
Aug. 2022
Investment by the "Osaka Social Problem Solving Fund No. 2" was executed.
[Social issue to be solved: Establishment of a new medical treatment for autistic spectrum
disorder, ulcerative colitis, renal disease, etc., for which no treatment methods have been
established, using "intestinal flora transplantation". -
Jul. 2022
Jun. 2022
Transdermal, Transpulmonary, and Transmucosal Delivery
Evaluation of NanoGAS® (NanoBubble) Water for Oral Insulin Absorption Enhancement -
Jun. 2022
May. 2022
Presentation Title
Effect of NanoGAS® (Nanobubble) water on transmucosal absorption of insulin -
May. 2022
May. 2022
Title of paper: Evaluation of Bactericidal Effects of H2- and 03-filled Ultrafine Bubbles Water
Authors: Risako Morishita, Satoshi Ito and Mariko Takeda-Morishita -
Feb. 2022
Feb. 2022
Content of Presentation
Revolutionizing medicine and industry with the technology of fine bubbles that will not
disappear even after 10 years! -
Dec. 2021
Sep. 2021
The 5th Annual Meeting of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Foundation
held -
Sep. 2021
Nutrition and Cancer Risk from the Viewpoint of the Intestinal Microbiome by
Yoshimu Tanaka, Shin Shimizu, Masahiko Shirotani, Kensho Yorozu, Kunihiro Kitamura,
Masayuki Oeholm, Yuichi Kawai and Yoshitaka Fukuzawa
The usefulness of NanoGAS®-FMT (NanoGAS®-FMT), a gut flora transplant using NanoGAS® water, as a method to optimize intestinal bacteria to reduce the risk of cancer, is also
introduced. -
Sep. 2021
Aug. 2021
Subsidy for Promotion of Productivity Improvement in Manufacturing, Commerce, and
Services Supplemented in FY2049 Grant DecisionTo respond to the growing market for intestinal flora transplantation, a new plant will be
installed and an automatic adjustment system for bacterial solution will be developed. -
Aug. 2021
Jun. 2021
Biomolecular Delivery
Evaluation of drinking safety and physiological effects of NanoGAS®(Nanobubble) water
(Poster) Transdermal, Transpulmonary and Transmucosal Delivery Biomolecular Delivery
Effect of NanoGAS®(Nanobubble) Water on Gastrointestinal Absorption of
Biopharmaceuticals (Oral Presentation) -
Jun. 2021
Grant decision for business restructuring subsidy
Relocate manufacturing facilities for NanoGAS® water and enhance manufacturing capacity
and R&D capabilities for existing and new ozone NanoGAS® water -
Jun. 2021
Jun. 2021
Mar. 2021
Mar. 2021
Mar. 2021
Feb. 2021
Laboratory and plant are expanded in Port Island, Kobe for business expansion.
Dec. 2020
Named the proprietary platform technology NanoGAS®.
Oct. 2020
With the expansion of business scale, reorganized Symbiosis LLC to Symbiosis Inc.
and increased the capital to 10 million yen. -
Aug. 2020
Sep. 2020
The 4th Annual Meeting of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Foundation
held. -
Aug. 2020
Aug. 2020
Signed a joint research agreement with the Faculty of Nutrition, Kobe Gakuin University,
and began joint research. -
May. 2020
May. 2020
Signed a joint research agreement with Kobe Gakuin University and started joint research.
May. 2020
Mar. 2020
Sep. 2019
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Foundation
held. -
Sep. 2019
Sep. 2019
Aug. 2019
Feb. 2019
Feb. 2019
Oct. 2018
The 2nd General Meeting of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Foundation held.
Feb. 2018
Dec. 2017
Shinbiosis LLC is established.
Establishment of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Foundation and
the first general meeting is held. -
Oct. 2017
Establishment of Intestinal Flora Transplant Clinical Research Co.
Established in preparation for the establishment of a research group to serve as
the secretariat of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Group,
a general incorporated foundation.
Access (Kobe Lab)
Postal Code 650-0047
6-7-4 Minatojima Minami-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
Kobe Health Industry Development Center Room 103
Symbiosis Corporation (Symbiosis Research Institute)
Contact Us

Reception hours: 10:00-17:00
[excluding Saturdays, Sundays,and holidays]